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Data Descriptions:

File organization:

  ├── user_video_inter.csv          
  ├── user_comment_inter.csv
  ├── user_features.csv
  ├── video_features.csv
  └── comment_features.csv

1. Descriptions of the fields in user_video_inter.csv

Field Name Description Type Example
user_id The ID of the user. int64 2924305332
video_id The ID of the viewed video. int64 110378652104
p_hourmin The time of this interaction (format: HHSS). int64 1500
time_ms Unix timestamp (millisecond). float64 1696141175214
is_click Whether the user clicks the video. int64 0
is_like Whether the user likes the video. int64 0
is_follow Whether the user follows the author of the video. int64 0
is_comment Whether the user comments the video. int64 0
is_forward Whether the user forwards the video. int64 0
is_collect Whether the user collects the video. int64 0
is_hate Whether the user hates the video. int64 0
long_view A binary feedback signal. It equals 1 when: play_time_ms >= duration_ms if duration_ms <= 18,000 ms, or play_time_ms >=18,000 ms if duration_ms > 18,000 ms. int64 0
play_time_ms The duration this video(item) has been played by this user (millisecond). float64 5822
duration_ms The total duration of this video (millisecond). float64 19960
profile_stay_time The time that the user stayed in this author’s profile. int64 0
comment_stay_time The time that the user stayed in the comments section of this video int64 0

2. Descriptions of the fields in user_comment_inter.csv

Field Name Description Type Example
user_id The ID of the user. int64 358692597
comment_id The ID of the comment. int64 455709716918
time_stamp Unix timestamp (second). int64 1696421927
photo_id The ID of the video. int64 65137995197
is_like Whether the user likes the comment. int64 1
is_reply Whether the user replies to the comment. int64 0

3. Descriptions of the fields in user_features.csv

Field Name Description Type Example
user_id The ID of the user. int64 1905604649
user_active_degree In the set of {‘high_active’, ‘full_active’, ‘middle_active’, ‘UNKNOWN’}. str “high_active”
is_live_author Is this user a live author? int64 0
produce_video_num The number of produced videos by this user. int64 1
follow_count The number of users that this user follows. int64 274
follow_user_num_range The range of the number of users that this user follows. In the set of {‘0’, ‘(0,10]’, ‘(10,50]’, ‘(100,150]’, ‘(150,250]’, ‘(250,500]’, ‘(50,100]’, ‘500+’} str “(250,500]”
fans_count The number of the fans of this user. int64 676
fans_user_num_range The range of the number of fans of this user. In the set of {‘0’, ‘[1,10)’, ‘[10,100)’, ‘[100,1k)’, ‘[1k,5k)’, ‘[5k,1w)’, ‘[1w,10w)’} str “[100,1k)”
friend_user_num_range The range of the number of friends that this user has. In the set of {‘0’, ‘[1,5)’, ‘[5,30)’, ‘[30,60)’, ‘[60,120)’, ‘[120,250)’, ‘250+’} str “250+”
register_days The days since this user has registered. int64 1252
onehot_feat0 An encrypted feature of the user. Each value indicates the position of “1” in the one-hot vector. Range: {0,1} int64 1
onehot_feat1 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1, …, 6} int64 1
onehot_feat2 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1, …, 54} int64 14
onehot_feat3 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1, …, 1685} int64 898
onehot_feat4 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1, …, 5} int64 5
onehot_feat5 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1, …, 9} int64 0
onehot_feat6 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1, 2} int64 2
onehot_feat7 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1, …, 52} int64 27
onehot_feat8 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1, …, 391} int64 153
onehot_feat9 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1, …, 6} int64 3
onehot_feat10 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1, …, 4} int64 3
onehot_feat11 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1, …, 6} int64 1
onehot_feat12 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1} int64 0
onehot_feat13 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1} int64 0
onehot_feat14 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1} int64 0
onehot_feat15 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1} int64 0
onehot_feat16 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1} int64 0
onehot_feat17 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1} int64 0
onehot_feat18 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1} int64 0
onehot_feat19 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1} int64 0
onehot_feat20 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1, …, 4} int64 2

4. Descriptions of the fields in video_features.csv

Field Name Description Type Example
video_id The ID of the video. int64 107291063430
author_id The ID of the author of this video. int64 3087318004
video_type Type of this video (NORMAL or AD). str “NORMAL”
upload_dt Upload date of this video. str “2023-07-06”
caption The caption text of this video str “所以,怎么会没有遗憾呢#张睿 #李晟 #花非花雾非雾”
duration The time duration of this duration (in milliseconds). float 36200.0
category Category of this video str “明星娱乐”

5. Descriptions of the fields in comment_features.csv

Field Name Description Type Example
comment_id The ID of the comment. int64 681190728207
comment_content The comment content text of this comment. str “乱了、猫还怕老鼠[捂脸]”
video_id The ID of the video. int64 107255530819
comment_like_cnt The number of likes of this comment int64 112
comment_reply_out The number of replies of this comment int64 6
show_comment_cnt_td The number of shows of this comment. int64 645